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Remember to take breaks at work

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March 14, 2023

Taking breaks at work is important for both physical and mental health. Prolonged work without breaks can lead to fatigue, stress and increased risk of injury. Breaks also allow the brain to relax and regenerate, which can increase productivity.

Breaks during working hours can be both physical and mental. A Japanese study investigated the effect of active breaks on a given employee. The intervention consisted of 10 minutes of exercise three times a week and was a combination of physical and mental activity. The conclusion was that the active breaks improved working conditions at the workplace, increased activity levels and mental health at the workplace.

Mental and physical breaks are equally important

Mental breaks are important as they can prevent stress and burnout. For example, taking a short break to read a book, do a creative activity or close your eyes for 5 minutes of mindfulness. This can help break the monotony of work and allow the brain to regenerate.

Physical breaks are also important to prevent muscle soreness and back and neck pain. Physical breaks can include short walks, stretching or simple exercises with elastic bands. Physical breaks don't have to be as long as you might think. In fact, as little as 2 minutes of stretching or 2 minutes of high-intensity exercise can have a positive effect on your physical health. This is especially true if you are already unfit.

Furthermore, breaks can also help increase concentration and productivity. According to a study conducted by the University of Illinois, breaks of just 17 minutes can increase concentration by up to 52%. This is because breaks allow the brain to 'unplug' and regenerate, which can lead to an increased ability to focus.

How can you plan breaks in your working day?

Breaks should be part of your working day. It is important that you plan these to ensure you get the necessary rest and regeneration. Allow the equivalent of five minutes every hour and don't work for more than two hours without taking a break. These breaks will ensure you can work efficiently and stay healthy throughout a long working life. As the saying goes, if you are too busy to take your breaks, you have to make time to be sick.