Relaxation Treatment - psychomotor therapy
Relaxation Treatment is an evidence-based treatment concept that ensures better interaction between body, mind and health. Our therapists all have 3 ½ years of professional education in psychomotor therapy, and we set up a fully equipped clinic in a suitable room in your company.
Workplace assessment (APV)
Our APV covers all sectors and job functions.
Interested in finding out more? Get in touch for a non-binding offer.
What is Relaxation Treatment?
Relaxation Treatment should be seen as a counterpart to other therapeutic treatments such as physiotherapy. However,
the difference is that the employee does not necessarily have to have musculoskeletal pain
to receive Relaxation Treatment.
This could be employees who have high stress levels or need to find calm through relaxation exercises. It can also be employees who experience physical challenges such as muscular tension, recurring headaches or heart palpitations.
How does the treatment work?
Relaxation Treatment is a soft and gentle treatment that covers e.g. relaxation, mindfulness, body awareness training and awareness. The manual treatment part is characterized by the therapist using calm and gentle movements to perform various treatment techniques that are reminiscent of massage. However, the employee is fully clothed throughout the session.
One of the core elements of Relaxation Treatment is relaxation. Relaxation should not be understood as "relaxation", as it is not a matter of "just relaxing", but of processes in which parts or the whole body are relaxed in contrast to tension. Breath work is central, and the therapist uses conversation to create a safe space through acknowledgement and openness.
Each session lasts 35 min. and includes an introductory conversation, tray treatment, final conversation and
is rounded off with short explanations or comments on the treatment.
Why does Relaxation Treatment work?
Relaxation Treatment increases the employee's awareness of both physical and psychological signals. This enables them to better find or rediscover their resources and use them to take action and
create change.
Who is the caregiver?
The therapist has a 3½-year professional bachelor's degree in psychomotor therapy. The therapist is specialized in health psychological tasks with a focus on health promotion, disease prevention and
rehabilitation. Your employees will meet an empathetic, experienced therapist with a high level of professionalism who can accommodate and treat various somatic and psychological issues.
Your benefits
Relaxation Treatment promotes your employees' bodily action competencies in relation to self-care and mental and physical health promotion. This means a lower risk of physical and mental wear and tear, resulting in less sick leave, higher well-being and greater mental resilience.
The clinic
We set up a fully equipped clinic in a suitable location at your premises. We deliver:
Professional in-house clinic with five-point liftlowering table
Experienced psychomotor therapists
Professional booking and journaling system
Status reports
Hotline 08:00 to 16:00
ATTENTION! All you need to provide is a computer, table and chair, trash can and internet access.
Relaxation Treatment
Relaxation Treatment can stand alone or be included
in our combination treatment.
It is estimated that up to 45% of total sick leave in Denmark is due to mental health problems.
Sick leave due to mental health issues has a high cost, both for the individual employee and the workplace.