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Achieve a responsible business strategy with an APV (workplace assessment)

The workplace is the place, apart from our homes, where many of us spend most of our time on a daily basis and where we have many important social relationships. Therefore, we must not compromise on the working environment - Health Group is ready to help your company on its way.

Workplace assessment (APV)

Our APV covers all sectors and job functions.

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch for a non-binding offer.

A professional APV is an expression of a responsible business strategy that both prevents illness and improves the well-being and health of employees. In less than six weeks, we can get your company safely through the APV process. We are with you every step of the way, from the initial meeting, data collection along the way, to the final presentation with concrete action plans.

A working environment is made up of three main - and essential - elements: physical, social and psychological. All three aspects are part of going to work.

A good working environment is therefore of great importance for the individual employee and can be explained by a circular model. Happy and motivated employees make for efficient employees, which is the cornerstone of any healthy company.

Therefore, it is important that the workplace is a good place to be and that the individual employee feels good both socially and professionally. At Health Group, we will ensure that the framework for a good and healthy working environment is respected. This is done by means of a workplace assessment (APV).

An APV successfully:

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    Initial meeting
    where wishes, expectations, timetable, questionnaire and reporting are clarified

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    Industry-specific questionnaire survey
    based on validated questions and targeted to your industry. The questionnaire includes physical and psychological working environment, sickness absence, health and special requests

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    Report with recommendations
    is prepared after data collection in our online survey system. Your APV report also includes tables, graphs and a clear identification and prioritization of challenges

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    is important for you to be able to compare your APV results with the industry you belong to. Our benchmark is Denmark's largest with over 200,000 respondents

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    of the results - physically or online - in a relevant forum. It typically takes 1-2 hours and we simultaneously advise on areas for action and the formulation of action plans

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    Quality assurance
    of all processes ensures confidentiality, high data quality, validation of the questionnaire, and fulfillment of your expectations APV

Health Group's approach to the statutory APV

In consultation with you, we will always agree on a questionnaire so that we can map the working environment in the best possible way. This is an important process. We never provide package solutions, but instead adapt to your needs, which is our core mission at Health Group. Wellbeing and productivity go hand in hand, which is why it is extremely important to keep APV in mind in every company.
A typical APV includes the following:

  • Physical and psychological work environment
  • Social capital (trust, fairness and cooperation)
  • Accidents at work and risk


With Health Group's APV you get a benchmark with your specific industry. HG benchmark, which is an average of Health Group's previous surveys over the previous years. This gives you a relevant basis for comparison. The HG benchmark is continuously updated, ensuring you the best and most current basis for comparison.

Follow-up on APV

When implementing an APV, you should follow up on your action plans. The Health Group offers different follow-up options:

  • Participation in Health and Safety Committee meetings. Health Group can act as an advisor and sparring partner both in connection with the preparation of action plans and as a participant at subsequent meetings. With Health Group as an ad visor, you ensure that the action plans do not drown in the other daily tasks - but are followed through to the end.
  • Organizing a workshop/seminar. An APV can shed light on many different problems in the working environment. Some can be solved by changing a lamp or buying a new chair. But other problems can be more complex. For example, problems may arise in the psychological working environment, for example in relation to management or cooperation, which require action. In such cases, we offer to organize workshops or seminars for the employee groups that may be experiencing the problems. As an external partner, we are neutral and can therefore better facilitate the process of working with problems of a more sensitive or taboo nature
  • Many clients are happy to be followed up more often than the statutory three-year intervals. Health Group offers an APV light as a follow-up to action plans and as an evaluation.
  • Courses on stress and well-being

Book an APV survey from Health Group

Want to ensure better health and well-being at work? At Health Group, we are dedicated to helping companies create a safe and healthy working environment, and we are ready to help you fulfill your legal obligations regarding APV.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you improve your working environment and increase well-being and productivity in your company.


Can a company be fined for not carrying out an APV survey?

Yes, a company can be fined for not carrying out an APV survey and not complying with applicable health and safety laws and regulations. It can also lead to compensation claims from employees or relatives if an injury or illness is caused by non-compliance.

How can a company implement the recommendations from an APV survey?

A company can implement the recommendations from an APV survey by updating procedures and documentation, providing training and information to employees, and making necessary changes and improvements to the workplace and equipment. It is important to establish a plan and timetable for implementation and to follow up regularly to ensure that the recommendations are effective.

How can a professional APV survey help improve well-being and productivity?

An APV survey should cover physical and psychological work environment, social capital (trust, fairness and cooperation), accidents at work and risk.

What areas should an APV survey cover?

The working environment is made up of all the company's employees. It's about creating good habits that last - and most importantly, getting rid of the ones we no longer want to carry around.

It is therefore extremely important to keep the Working Environment Act in mind. The Working Environment Act contains rules and requirements for the working environment. These requirements and rules must, in short, be complied with by companies as well as construction sites. The company therefore ensures a good and healthy working environment through the requirements of the Working Environment Act,

All companies are obliged to carry out a written Workplace Assessment (APV) at least every three years. The purpose of an APV is to ensure that the company's health and safety work covers all significant health and safety problems and that the company works systematically and continuously to solve the problems.

The current Health and Safety at Work Act was adopted in 2019. The aim of the Health and Safety at Work Act is to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. It is always the company's own responsibility to be aware of the Health and Safety at Work Act.

To get you safely to the finish line and get the results you want, we emphasize these six critical success factors:

✓ Development and adaptation of the questionnaire
✓ Clarification of the need for reporting
✓ Validation and setup of online survey solution
✓ Reporting and industry-specific benchmark
✓ Confidential APV report containing well-being score, risk profile and economic impact assessment
✓ Working strategically with the psychosocial working environment.

What happens after an APV survey?

Following an APV survey, the company must draw up an action plan to deal with any problems identified in the survey. The action plan must be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that the working environment is improved and complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act.

How is the workplace assessment carried out?

There are many important decisions to be made to ensure a well-executed APV process. We manage the whole process and help identify your strategic and practical needs. In other words, we do the research and deliver a full report and action plan:

  1. Clarification of the questionnaire
  2. Mapping via questionnaire
  3. Data processing
  4. Report with recommendations and proposed action plan
  5. Presentation of results
  6. Possible follow-up.

Please contact us if you have any questions about an APV survey or would like to hear more about how you can ensure a healthy working environment for your employees. We can be contacted by phone on +45 70 20 16 26 or in writing via our email or contact form.

Why can't we just do a workplace assessment ourselves?

It is not always an advantage to be involved in the company you are assessing. You can be blind to problems in the working environment, and it can be difficult for employees to express their experiences to someone from the company. By delegating the task to Health Group, an otherwise complicated process with legal requirements, methodological considerations, data processing and prioritization is made manageable. We always visit your company and present the results to the Working Environment Committee or similar. In this way, we ensure that you are helped as well as possible with the further process.

Workplace assessment (APV)

Our APV covers all sectors and job functions.

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch for a non-binding offer.


Initial meeting and clarification of the questionnaire

WEEK 2+3

Data collection via online survey system


Data processing


Report with recommendations


Presentation of results and discussion on action plans

Very fruitful preparation with. Always sober, balancing, constructively critical - sober and with great overview and knowledge input and moderation of the process. I can't think of anything that could be improved.

- Lise Møller Eriksson, The Royal Academy

Meet some of our satisfied APV customers

With many years of experience in workplace assessments, our customer portfolio includes a wide range of companies - here you can meet some of our happy APV customers.


Health Group helps Danish self-owned institution strengthen the physical and mental work environment.

Godhavn customer reference, Health Group

Godhavn customer reference

Since 2007, Health Group has helped the treatment institution Godhavn with the preparation of their APV and health check.