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Get happier and healthier employees

Corporate massage | Workplace massage scheme

With Health Group, you get a dedicated corporate massage provider that not only helps improve well-being in the workplace, but also takes care of all the planning and logistics of the program.

Corporate massage is a workplace massage scheme

We offer easy start-up, various financing options and a massage plan according to your needs and wishes.


With a Health Group massage plan, you'll be assigned a regular masseuse who knows the individual employees and their needs.


A massage program makes your workplace more attractive - both for current and future employees.

    A mass scheme is part of an attractive workplace
    Massage in the workplace

    Part of an attractive workplace

    A massage program is an employee benefit that increases employee well-being and makes your workplace more attractive to new employees.

    And with Health Group as your supplier, you will be assigned a permanent masseur with several years of experience in corporate massage. That way, you are guaranteed both high quality and a massage therapist who knows your needs.

    Get started with corporate massage easily


    Initial meeting

    Before the start-up, you will be visited by your regular project manager from Health Group. Together with the project manager, you agree on the framework for the massage program as well as special needs and wishes for the agreement.


    Collaboration agreement and planning

    Together we will sign a collaboration agreement and agree on a date for the introduction, and we will plan the set-up of a treatment room at your workplace.


    Introduction for employees

    We visit your workplace and give employees an introduction to the massage program. Interested parties can sign up for the program here. 


    Ongoing visits and evaluation

    After that, the appointment runs automatically. Your regular massage therapist will visit you by appointment - and of course, we will continuously evaluate the collaboration with you and adapt as needed.

      Massage scheme for a better working environment

      Corporate massage makes for happier employees and a better work environment

      A massage program provides employees with a form of mindfulness that gives them a breathing space where they can recharge. In other words, corporate massages for employees provide a mental boost and pampering for the body and mind.

      Whether you're a company that spends a lot of time in front of the computer, work in a warehouse with heavy workloads or are otherwise prone to work-related injuries, we can help. With a massage program from Health Group, you can achieve a better working environment, happier employees and increased productivity in your company.

      Massage improves both physical and mental health

      Physical health

      When we receive massage, our cortisol levels in the body are reduced. Cortisol has a negative effect on the immune system and therefore massage contributes positively to our immune system, which helps us to be in a healthy state.

      A study from the University of South Florida has also shown that 10 minutes of massage 3 times a week for 3 weeks can lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

      Mental health

      The University of Miami School of Medicine has studied the effects of massage on mental health and found that massage relieves anxiety and depression by affecting the body's biochemistry.

      For example, the levels of the stress hormone cortisol were studied in 500 people with stress-related problems, and the results showed that massage lowered levels by up to 53%. It also increased levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, both of which can reduce stress.

      Financing options - how you can finance your massage program

      We offer flexible financing options on the massage scheme, including an attractive gross salary scheme that makes it financially beneficial for employees to participate. This scheme can significantly reduce costs for employees, making it easier to gain acceptance and commitment from the whole team. It's a simple way to improve workplace wellbeing without a large financial investment.
      Gross salary scheme on corporate massage

      Gross salary scheme

      Employees pay for the company massage themselves through their gross salary, which means that payment is made before tax is calculated.

      A company massage plan can benefit both employee and company

      Shared funding

      Here the employee and company share the cost - you decide how to split the cost, for example 50/50.

      We offer flexible financing options on corporate massages

      As an employee benefit

      The company pays all costs for the massage program. Costs for the massage program are tax deductible.

        Part of an attractive workplace

        A massage program is an employee benefit that increases employee well-being and makes your workplace more attractive to new employees.

        And with Health Group as your supplier, you will be assigned a permanent masseur with several years of experience in corporate massage. That way, you are guaranteed both high quality and a massage therapist who knows your needs.

        The 4 most important goals of a massage program

        At Health Group, we work with Danish workplaces to improve the working environment - both physical and mental.

        Our massage program is no exception. Specifically, the scheme aims to:

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          Light work-related musculoskeletal strain
          Relaxation massage has both a stretching and relaxing effect on the muscles and is therefore ideal for treating swelling and light musculoskeletal strain or as a break from a busy working day.

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          Removing myoses and tension (physiurgical massage)
          Physiurgical massage can remove muscle tension and waste build-up in the muscles, also known as myoses. In addition, physiotherapy massage can relieve tension headaches and other injuries related to the musculoskeletal system.

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          Reducing stress
          Physical touch, such as massage, is good for preventing stress as touch releases oxytocin in the brain. Oxytocin is also known as the love hormone and is necessary for our health and well-being. Massage is therefore a great solution to keep the body in balance.

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          Retaining your employees
          A massage program makes the workplace more attractive. If you want to retain and attract employees to your workplace, an attractive massage program is the right solution. The massage program should be accessible and affordable for employees.

        Tobias Vendt Olsen - project manager

        I am a project manager at Health Group and am currently responsible for corporate massage. I have a strong vision to promote well-being in the workplace and create a healthy work environment.

        Tobias Vendt Olsen - project manager in the massage department

        Get a quote for a massage service

        Write or call us to get a quote for a corporate massage program - or just to hear more about your options. 

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        Health Group

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        Knowledge related to corporate massage


        Neck and shoulder pain - avoid pain at work

        February 1, 2024

        How to prevent musculoskeletal problems in office workers

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        Tax benefits of corporate massage

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        Corporate massage at the workplace

        June 8, 2022

          Typical questions about corporate massage

          What is a corporate massage?

          Corporate massage is a scheme where a massage therapist visits your company on a regular basis by appointment. Employees can sign up according to their needs and wishes, and the scheme is flexible, so you can freely adjust the components that are most needed. In addition, Health Group's masseurs will create the framework for a complete treatment using the right massage techniques. We take care of the administration and guarantee good results.

          How can we finance the massage program?

          For example, you can finance the massage scheme via a gross salary scheme, where employees pay through their gross salary. This way, they save tax percentage as they pay before the tax calculation.

          Split funding between company and employee is also an option - typically 50/50 where employee and company pay equally towards the scheme.

          Finally, you can also offer the scheme as a 100% employee benefit where the company pays all costs - the scheme is tax deductible.

          What are the benefits of a massage plan?

          A massage program prevents headaches, muscle tension, work-related injuries, stress and general discomfort, helping to promote the physical and mental health of employees. In other words, corporate massage is an investment in the workplace as it contributes to wellbeing - and thus productivity.

          What types of massage do you offer?

          Health Group offers different types of corporate massage - including classic massage, acupressure, reflexology and physiurgical massage. Our massage therapists are professional and experienced and adapt the treatment to the individual employee and their needs.

          How long does a massage treatment last?

          A treatment typically lasts 15-30 minutes. However, the duration of a massage treatment varies depending on the individual treatment and the masseuse's method.

          How often can employees get a massage?

          How often employees can get massages depends entirely on your needs, but the typical model is to have your regular masseuse visit once a week or every other week.

          How do we get started with a massage plan?

          If you are interested in a massage program for your company's employees, you are welcome to contact us. We will then offer a visit from a project manager who will work with you to agree the framework for the massage program.

          Tax benefits of corporate massage

          It is possible to avoid taxation of a massage scheme if the massage meets specific requirements.

          Specifically, all employees in the company must be offered the scheme on equal terms - in other words, the scheme must not be a reward for specific performance or results.

          The massage scheme must therefore be considered a general health measure and not a personal benefit to be exempt from taxation.

          "Company massages are considered a preventive measure against work-related injuries. Therefore, SKAT considers it a work-related expense, which means that a massage scheme is exempt from taxation."

          Company massages are tax-free as long as they are intended to prevent or treat work-related injuries or illnesses. For the prevention of work-related injuries to be tax-free, there must be a concrete work-related reason for the employer to cover the healthcare costs.


          A selection of our customers
