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Remember to drink water at work!

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March 12, 2023

Do you sometimes ask yourself, "did I even drink water today?" or do you know the feeling of 'forgetting' to drink water at work? - Then you are far from the only one

It is important to drink water throughout the day to keep the cup hydrated and ensure the proper functioning of the body's organs. Adequate fluid intake is essential as water helps regulate body temperature, transports nutrients and improves digestion. In addition, drinking water can prevent fatigue and headaches. If you are dehydrated, you may feel discomfort - but also become less effective at work.

How much water is recommended to drink per day?

The body's fluids evaporate and are consumed throughout the day, so it is recommended that you drink 1-1½ liters of water a day - the equivalent of 6-8 glasses of water. The absorption of water is best if you spread your water intake throughout the day - this ensures a good fluid balance.

While most fluids help to maintain a good fluid balance, there are some drinks that should be avoided and limited, such as alcohol, soft drinks and other sugary drinks. In addition, it is also recommended that you limit your coffee intake and occasionally replace a cup of coffee with a glass of water instead. In short, fluid intake should consist of as much water as possible.

As most people spend many hours a day at work, it is therefore important to be aware of whether you are consuming enough water. People especially forget to drink water when they are in a hurry or if it is not readily available. Some of the most common signs of dehydration in the body include: headaches, tiredness, lack of concentration, dizziness - and of course, THIRST.

If you tend to be dehydrated or tend to forget to drink water, you may benefit from some of these tips and strategies:

  • Drink as soon as you feel thirsty - and make sure most of it is water
  • Spread your fluid intake throughout the day to stay hydrated
  • Keep a water bottle at your workstation
  • Replace some of the coffee with a glass of water
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, as these contain fluids
  • Remember to drink more water when you are physically active or when it is hot

With these tips and recommendations, you can easily boost your well-being by staying fresh and hydrated at work - while preventing the unfortunate consequences of fluid deficiency.