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Mindfulness in the workplace - why is it important?

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April 3, 2023

Over time, there has been a strong focus on the working environment, including physical and psychological well-being. The focus is on preventing stress, illnesses, reducing sickness absence and generally creating better well-being at work. Up to 12% of the population experience signs or symptoms of stress every day, and it is therefore necessary for workplaces to be aware and make a difference, as it can cost both humanly for the individual and financially. In addition, many employees experience that they are not mentally present during work tasks. This ultimately affects the company.

How do we prevent this? The answer is Mindfulness

But what is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a form of therapy that can be used in many contexts, including the workplace. Mindfulness techniques can strengthen our ability to work, improve our concentration and help us to take a break, ignore the consequences and negative demands or challenges that are or may arise during the working day. Mindfulness can be practiced through meditation exercises, yoga and power breaks. In this way, stress can be prevented and positive emotions in the brain can be increased. This ultimately leads to greater happiness among employees and creates well-being in the workplace.

Who can use mindfulness?

Mindfulness can be beneficial for everyone. In the effort to do a good job, it can be good to take a break and focus on the present moment. This helps you to focus and disregard what has happened in the past, which can be seen as stressful and distracting thoughts. With mindfulness, it can help you better manage the demands and anxieties you encounter during the workday.

Mindfulness can be practiced in daily work in the following ways:

  • Start the day by brainstorming what's on the agenda. Decide what you want to focus on getting done throughout the day. This can make the day more manageable.
  • Take mental or active breaks after completing a task. As your brain may have been working at full speed, it can be beneficial to take a break with deep breaths in and out before taking on a new big task.
  • Avoid spending energy on things that cannot be changed. Mindfulness is about living in the present moment, and often you may encounter things that can be challenging. If you choose to accept it instead of letting it fill your mind, you will find it easier to deal with similar situations again and more effectively.

Practicing mindfulness techniques at work can therefore help you and your colleagues to feel more free and positive about the demands and challenges you face at work, and thus reduce symptoms of stress.