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How walking during work hours improves wellbeing

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d. March 5, 2023

Well-being and health at work is more important than ever before. Over the last 50 years, working hours have become significantly more efficient, with technology streamlining our work processes, reducing the time spent on laborious processes. For example, we can write an email that, at the touch of a button, is instantly delivered to the recipient and ready to read. The postman couldn't have done it any faster. The initial idea was that technology would set us free and give us time for what is important - unfortunately, in many ways, the idea has had the opposite effect.

To get back on track, we need to find the "trivial" tasks that are meaningful for our well-being at work and that can improve the overall health of the workplace. Walking during working hours is a great way to do this. Walking during working hours creates the opportunity to slow down and give us time to think more deeply and thoroughly. It lifts our spirits and strengthens our ability to make good decisions.

How can you implement walking during working hours?

Here are Health Group's suggestions for implementing walking for wellbeing in the workplace:

Short walks

Recent research shows that an adult human needs to move 8,000-10,000 steps per day. If you work in a large workplace, you can opt for a walk to the coffee machine at the far end or book a meeting room at the other end of the building. If you work in a small workplace, plan a few daily walks around the building. If you talk on the phone a lot, you can walk around while you talk. Depending on the size of your workplace, this change could mean 1000-5000 steps per day.

Walking meeting

Walking meetings are a hit in many companies. The number of participants and the length of the meeting help determine how far you have to walk. Similarly, the importance of the meeting can have an impact on the meeting. Bring tools to note down important points or use the dictaphone function on your phone to record the meeting. By using walking meetings on a daily basis, you will get some fresh air and come back with more energy than if you had sat on either side of a table for that time. You can expect to walk 4000-6000 steps per hour.

Lunchtime walk:

Spend the first half of your lunch break getting something to eat and end your break with a walk. It's a nice break to get away from the workplace and it's energizing to get some fresh air. Take some of your colleagues out for a walk. This way you can create some good social relationships with your colleagues. If you make it a regular appointment, it's easier to keep each other up to date.