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Why should you cycle to work?

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February 28, 2023

If you want to keep fit, save money and protect the environment, cycling to work is a great way to do it.

Cycling to work is cheaper and healthier

In a time of rising gas prices and inflation, cycling is a great alternative to driving to work. When you look at your monthly transportation costs, most people are surprised at how much money they actually spend - both on fuel and maintenance. But not only does cycling save you money, it also has several health benefits:

Exercise at work has been shown to improve mental health, prevent stress and generally increase mental energy during the day. In addition, a daily bike ride will increase productivity, improve concentration and allow for better sleep.

Physical health will also improve, including by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high cholesterol. As the metabolism is significantly increased by cycling, you will also find that weight can be kept under control, while improving fitness and leg muscle strength.

How much do you burn by cycling?

Cycling for a ride burns about 0.33 Kcal per kg of body weight per km.

If you weigh 70 kg and cycle 10 km a day, you will burn 231 Kcal - equivalent to more than 0.5 L of soda or 15-20% of your daily energy expenditure. This is a quick and effective way to fit exercise into your daily routine.

The benefits of cycling to work are many, including

  • Improved metabolism, which helps with weight control
  • Increased physical activity, strength and fitness
  • Reduced risk of lifestyle diseases
  • Improved mental health
  • Increased production
  • Better for the environment
  • Saving transportation costs

If you live in the city, there is also the added advantage of avoiding traffic jams and waiting in queues, while not having to worry about parking.

In a busy life, where it can be difficult to find time to exercise after work, cycling can save time by combining transport and exercise - killing two birds with one stone.

Have fun incorporating cycling into your daily life - your mind, body and wallet will thank you for it!