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Create a smoke-free workplace

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March 14, 2024

A smoke-free workplace is not only good for the health of individual employees, but also for the work environment as a whole. It's a step towards a healthier and more productive workplace. 

"Smoke-free working hours provide a healthier working environment. It protects employees from tobacco smoke and supports those who want to be smoke-free. Smoke-free working hours also ensure that new employees and young people don't start smoking in the workplace." 


But how can colleagues, management and the workplace in general work together to create and maintain a smoke-free culture? We take a look at that below. 

The role of management

Management plays a key role in creating a smoke-free workplace. It starts with formulating a clear policy on smoking in the workplace. The Danish Cancer Society recommends that smoke-free working hours include all tobacco-related products, including anything with tobacco and nicotine, as well as e-cigarettes.

This policy should include guidelines for smoking in and around work buildings and should, of course, apply to everyone in the workplace. Management should also be visible in communicating the policy and actively support it.

Collegial support

By working with smoke-free working hours, you can help create a culture where tobacco products, snus and the like are not part of the regular routine. This is where peer support can be crucial to the success of a smoke-free workplace.

Colleagues can support each other by encouraging smoke-free breaks together, sharing smoking cessation experiences and creating a positive environment for those who want to quit smoking. It's about showing understanding and support for each other's choices and challenges. 

Smoking cessation offers

The workplace can offer smoking cessation related services and interventions for employees who want to start their journey towards a smoke-free future. This can include access to smoking cessation courses, individual counseling or support from healthcare professionals. By making these resources easily accessible, the workplace shows its commitment to the health and well-being of its employees.

Smoking cessation can also be part of a larger effort around employee health - for example, by working with health weeks or themes in an annual wheel. This can be part of company fitness, exercise weeks, etc. At Health Group, we have over 20 years of experience in tailoring exactly the health promotion efforts your workplace needs. 

Smoking increases the risk of a wide range of co-morbidities and is one of the top 5 factors that have the greatest impact on our health. Implementing a smoke-free workplace can help employees who want to quit smoking and use nicotine products. This can be a direct way to improve workplace health and ensure that no new employees start using these products.