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Work-life balance during the summer holidays - take time off when you're off

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July 12, 2024
Take time off when you're off work

It's July and if you haven't already unplugged from work, vacation may be just around the corner. Summer vacation is a welcome time to unwind and recharge your batteries - but for some, it can be a challenge to completely leave work behind.

However, there are good reasons to prioritize your work-life balance during the summer holidays. We take a closer look at that in this article - and give you tips on how to avoid work during your vacation.

Holidays are for leisure

Taking time off during vacation is crucial for your mental and physical health. Vacations provide a much-needed break from daily stress and responsibilities, which can help prevent burnout.

It's a time to recharge and restore work-life balance. Taking time off allows you to be present and enjoy the moment, which can improve your overall wellbeing and satisfaction.

Plus, a real vacation can boost your productivity and creativity when you return to work. Taking this time for yourself - or with family and friends - helps create a healthier and more sustainable work lifestyle. When you take time off when you're on vacation, your wellbeing at work will be affected.

But a good work-life balance during the summer break requires planning and awareness - and it's worth the investment. It will help you return to work with renewed energy and a fresh perspective.

Tips for getting out of work during summer vacation

1. planning is key
Before the holidays start, make sure to finish ongoing projects and inform your colleagues about your absence period. Create a detailed out-of-office message so people know when they can expect to hear from you. This creates clear expectations and reduces the pressure to keep on top of work while you're away.

2. Set clear boundaries
It's important to set clear boundaries for yourself and those around you. Inform your family about your work and leisure boundaries so you can have peace and time to relax.

This can include setting specific times to check work-related updates - and then taking the rest of the time off to enjoy your vacation.

3.Turn off notifications
A simple but effective method is to turn off work-related notifications on your phone and computer. This way you avoid the temptation to check emails and messages.

You can also consider installing apps or using settings that help you limit access to work platforms during your vacation period.

4. Be present in the moment
Use your vacation to enjoy time with family and friends, pursue your hobbies and have new experiences. Being present in the moment helps you recharge mentally and physically.

Engage in activities that really capture your interest and bring joy so you can make the most of your time away from work.

5. Cultivate relaxation
Incorporate activities that help you relax - for example yoga, meditation or long walks in nature. These activities can help reduce stress and increase your wellbeing. You should also schedule regular breaks where you can breathe deeply and let your mind rest. In short, it's all about cultivating and being present in relaxation.

6. reflect on your work-life balance
Spend some time thinking about how you can maintain a better work-life balance in your everyday life - even when your vacation is over.

    Maybe some of the methods you use on vacation can be implemented into your daily routine?

    Consider introducing set relaxation times and creating a more structured workday that allows for breaks and personal time.

    Want more tips on how to maintain a healthy work-life balance and create well-being at work? Visit our blog for more articles and advice on health and well-being - both inside and outside the workplace.


    Yoga is an excellent activity to help yourself relax