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The statutory health check for employees working night shifts

Health checks for night workers

Night work is associated with an increased risk of a number of lifestyle diseases and other complications. It is therefore particularly important that employees who work at night receive guidance on how to take good care of themselves and find the right balance in their everyday lives.


We carry out health checks at your workplace – both at night and during the day.


The health check complies with the requirements and guidelines of DI, CO and the Danish Chamber of Commerce.


You only pay for the employees who register for the health check.


We have experience in reaching and engaging up to 80% of all employees.

    Health checks and work environment
    Health and safety work with high returns

    Night work and health checks - what are the rules?

    In Denmark, night work is defined as work where an employee works three hours or more of their daily working time between 00:00 and 05:00, or if an employee works a total of 300 hours during this period within a period of 12 months.

    It is mandatory by law that companies offer employees who will work at night a free health check before they start working at night. In addition, it is mandatory by law to offer it to employees who already work as night workers for regular periods of less than 3 years.

    In addition to the statutory health check, stricter guidelines have been agreed in connection with the collective bargaining negotiations in 2023 if the company does not comply with the NFA's recommendations on night work. Read more about the guidelines via the link below. 

    How to get started with health checks


    Clarification and kick-off meeting

    We hold a kick-off meeting where we jointly clarify expectations, questions, logistics and other practical measures before the health check.



    We add your employees to DigiHealth and adapt the system to your company. We agree on the best procedure for enrollment depending on your needs and working conditions.


    Setting up a clinic at work

    We come out with our equipment and set up a clinic at your location. This makes it easy for your employees to participate in the health check.


    Health check including coaching

    We are responsible for carrying out the physical health check, which, in addition to a wide range of physiological measurements, includes individual coaching with a focus on night work.


    Follow-up and reporting

    Subsequently, we offer employees follow-up with our healthcare preparedness team (if selected) as well as anonymized company reporting.

    Dialogue and work environment
    Ground pressure measurement

      Health check-up with a focus on health promotion

      The statutory health check-up for night workers is essential to identify and prevent health problems that can arise from working at night.

      Night work can disrupt the natural sleep cycle and increase the risk of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and stress-related conditions.

      Through regular health checks, potential health risks can be detected early, and employees can have a good dialogue about handling the challenges that come with working at night.

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        Health screening with focus on night work including extended questionnaire for employees 50+

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        Physiological measurements – including measurement of cholesterol, fat percentage, long-term blood sugar, fitness level, etc.

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        A coaching conversation with a focus on personal goals for the individual employee.

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        Follow-up via conversation and health portal as well as the possibility to connect to the various health-related services.

      360 degree health and safety advice

      Health checks are a mandatory and not least important piece of the puzzle that creates well-being in the workplace – but it is not the only one.

      At Health Group, we focus on health and well-being in Danish workplaces, and we can therefore help you with several services that together help promote the working environment - both physical and mental.

      David Sommerlund - project manager

      As a project manager in the health department since 2013, I work with planning health check programs for large and small Danish companies. Regardless of the size of the company, my goal is always to ensure that the customer and all of their employees have a good, positive and smooth experience with health checks.

      David Sommerlund

      Health check-up and coaching

      The health check is carried out by a health consultant with relevant education from a health faculty and expertise in coaching in the health field.

      The health check consists of a series of physical measurements of the individual employee. The employee has been asked to complete an online health screening in advance. The screening can also be completed on-site.

      The health screening and health check form the basis for a coaching conversation focusing on personal goals for the employee.

      The employee will then have access to our digital platform DigiHealth, where they can find additional knowledge and inspiration for a possible lifestyle change.

      In this way, health checks can help create a foundation for lasting results.

      The physical tests

      • Body Mass Index (BMI)
      • Fat percentage
      • Waist size
      • Blood pressure
      • Total cholesterol
      • HDL cholesterol
      • LDL cholesterol
      • Triglyceride
      • HbA1c (long-term blood sugar)
      • Fitness test (Seismofit, measuring VO₂max without physical activity)
      • Spirometry (for smokers)
      • Bodyage

      David Sommerlund - project manager

      As a project manager in the health department since 2013, I work with planning health check programs for large and small Danish companies. Regardless of the size of the company, my goal is always to ensure that the customer and all of their employees have a good, positive and smooth experience with health checks.

      David Sommerlund

      Learn more about health checks

      Contact us to get a quote for a health check for night workers or to book a non-binding start-up meeting.

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      Health Group

      Health Group A/S

      Health Group Aarhus

      Knowledge about sleep and health


      New sleep guidelines

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      The 3 S's - Sleep, Stress and Health

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