Novopan Wood industry
Novopan Træindustri, together with Health Group, has initiated an ambitious and exciting process towards a new and healthier culture. Novopan is a workplace where part of the culture is a "strongman culture". These are unskilled men who believe that health is not necessarily the highest priority. Making Novopan a healthier workplace with fewer lifestyle problems and a better working environment and ultimately lower sickness absence requires a cultural change at Novopan. The method to do this is to work with change based on the three O's: 1. Enliven 2. Enlighten 3. Educate.
Ad.1. revive:
First and foremost, the organization, employees and managers must be 'enlivened' to accept this agenda. The burning platform is drawn through, among other things, health checks that show the current state of health. Involving activities are initiated, anchored in the health and safety committee and the management team, creating a community around the development of a common direction - the new health policy for Novopan.
Ad.2. state:
This is followed by the organization, employees and managers gaining new knowledge, inspiration and tools to think and act differently in relation to health through a variety of health, management and governance activities. Employees and managers are given individual health checks that provide insight into the individual's current situation and possible areas for improvement, and a number of activities are initiated such as courses, lectures, dietary guidance, etc. All of these activities are designed to provide knowledge, inspiration and create enthusiasm. Under the management track, management is given tools to create recognition and motivation and the management group creates a common basis for how they will motivate and recognize the individual employee's or team's work with health. Furthermore, the organization is equipped to work with management information about health in the future and to continuously review the health policy.
Re.3. assign:
The educational effect is achieved by allowing time in the project to try things out and gather experience from the results. The project concludes with a revision of the policy and a seminar for the health and safety committee and management team that focuses on how Novopan wants to continue working with the health policy.