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Cycling is healthier than previously thought

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November 2, 2020

New calculations show that the health benefits of cycling are higher than previous calculations have shown. The health benefits are higher both for the individual cyclist, but also for society as a whole.

Pedaling and wind in your hair on the cycle path improves cyclists' chances of avoiding lifestyle diseases, for example. It's no secret that exercise is good for our health, but new calculations show that cycling is even healthier than previous estimates have shown.

- The health benefits to society from more pedaling are more than twice as great as we have so far estimated. This is an important factor to include in the further negotiations on the green mobility of the future, and there is no doubt that bicycles will be part of the negotiations," says Minister for Transport Benny Engelbrecht.

Physical activity reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

Physically active people are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, for example. The risk of type 2 diabetes is 45 percent higher for inactive people than for people who are sufficiently physically active. The annual cost of lost production for type 2 diabetes alone is around DKK 1.3 billion, and the annual cost of treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes is also around DKK 1.5 billion. Improving health will therefore not only benefit the individual, who is less likely to fall ill, but society as a whole will also be richer.

Electric bike can also make a difference

In the context of the new calculations of the health benefits of cycling, similar calculations have been made for the first time for electric bicycles. The health benefits are smaller, but still quite significant, even with a slight tailwind. On the other hand, it may also encourage people to use their bikes for longer distances.

- Even if there is a motor that gives a few extra kilometers per hour, a trip on an electric bike still has a great effect on both the individual's health and society as a whole. The calculations of the health benefits of cycling speak for the importance of ensuring good conditions for cyclists, both those with and without electric motors, says Minister for Transport Benny Engelbrecht.

Facts about the health benefits of cycling

The updated calculations for the health benefits of cycling are included in the Transport Economic Unit Prices, which are a set of assumptions for use in socio-economic analyses of infrastructure projects. The unit prices include, among other things, expected developments in prices, GDP, population, travel costs and much more.

The updated calculations were commissioned by the Ministry of Transport and Housing and carried out by Cowi.

The update shows that the health benefits of cycling on a regular bicycle are higher for both the individual cyclist and society in general than the old calculations.

Electric bicycles are not included in the calculations so far and therefore cannot be compared. Overall, electric bicycles provide a smaller benefit to society in general compared with ordinary bicycles. This is due to a smaller health benefit and greater accident risk per km driven on an electric bicycle compared with a conventional bicycle.
