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The importance of young people's well-being in their first job

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October 31, 2022

In today's Denmark, a kind of achievement culture has emerged among young people. Many strive to get the best grades at school, be the best at extracurricular activities, the best friends and get the most likes on social media. Young people today have grown up being constantly online and 'on', and this has an impact on their self-image.

After a decade in primary school and years of higher education, it's time to spread your wings and land the perfect job. Maybe you've been searching for years, and maybe the job comes to you like an orange in a turban. Regardless of how the job comes about, it's now that you really have to prove how your years of schooling have paid off.

The impact of competitive culture on mental health

The constant competition puts a lot of pressure on young people's mental well-being, which is why it is particularly important that well-being at work is a priority in the first job they land. It turns out that young people are particularly vulnerable to experiencing job dissatisfaction and that this affects their mental health.

Research shows that competition and performance culture affect young people's mental well-being and increase the risk of stress and anxiety in the workplace. The importance of performing and making a good impression is extremely important for many young graduates, so there is already pressure from the start. In companies, it is important to help young graduates on their way by, among other things, preparing tasks. In addition, praise and recognition are also important parameters that can help to create or increase the well-being of young graduates, which also helps to cultivate a good psychological working environment. Low control at work, high demands and lack of social support are associated with various mental health problems. These challenges can occur in several companies, and therefore it is important to try to prevent these issues in order to achieve high well-being for young graduates in their first job.

Signs of unhappiness

It is therefore necessary for companies to pay attention to recruitment, culture in the form of a desire to perform and a good working environment in order to prevent dissatisfaction among young graduates. In addition, co-determination and involvement are key factors in avoiding dissatisfaction. The first signs of dissatisfaction can include symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, feeling stressed and anxiety. These are therefore signs you should be aware of, as a colleague and in general in the company, so that the young graduate gets a good start in the labor market.

Are there signs of unhappiness in your workplace? Then order an APV through Healthgroup

We will always, in consultation with you, agree on a questionnaire so that we can map the work environment in the best possible way. This is an important process. We never provide package solutions, but instead adapt to your needs, which is our core mission at Health Group. Well-being and productivity go hand in hand, which is why it is extremely important to keep APV in mind in every company.

A typical APV includes the following:

  • Physical and psychological work environment
  • Social capital (trust, fairness and cooperation)
  • Accidents at work and risk