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Henrik Duer

Henrik is an exercise physiologist, MSc in sports science (human physiology) and chemistry, University of Copenhagen. He is known as a trainer and host of the TV3 program "Extremely fat - a year to save your life", and he is also the co-founder of the app Foodsandfeelings. For 20 years, he has worked with weight loss and lifestyle changes with everything from BMI 25 to BMI 97, and has published the books "The Cure for Lasting Weight Loss", "Lose 12 kg in 12 weeks", "Danskernes Bedste Vægttab", "Fars fede kur" and "Sunde vaner med succes".

Health Groups blog

On our blog you can read news, research and advice on health and work environment.

Health Groups blog

On our blog you can read news, research and advice on health and work environment.
SWOLE models

Are you on board with the SWOLE model when it comes to workplace health?

October 27, 2023
Based on almost 150 scientific articles, Professor Lars Andersen from NFA has identified...
Health screening

Good health screening - the foundation for success

October 26, 2023
If the composition of the employees in your workplace is even slightly similar to your...