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Occupational health counseling - Occupational health counselors with well-being at the center

The path to a healthier and more productive business lies in the work environment. A strong, healthy and safe work environment can be the key to your business not only surviving, but thriving.

Through tailored health and safety consulting, we can help you unlock your company's potential and ensure your team is working in optimal conditions. Contact us today to discuss the possibility of a visit from one of our occupational health and safety consultants.

Workplace assessment (APV)

Our APV covers all sectors and job functions.

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch for a non-binding offer.

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    Nationwide service
    No matter where you are - we offer occupational health and safety advisors across the country.

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    More than 20 years of experience
    Health Group has for more than 20 years actively contributed to improving the physical and psychological working environment in Danish workplaces.

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    Evidence-based healthcare solutions
    We like to measure the results of our efforts by setting common goals for our collaboration.

Create a healthy workplace with occupational health counseling

A healthy and good working environment improves employee well-being and is a good investment in the working environment. At Health Group, we provide evidence-based occupational health and safety consultancy with a focus on the employees and the company's needs. We help you solve and prevent problems so that you as a company can create a better workplace - and ultimately create better results.

With a work environment advisor from Health Group, you'll get advice and sparring to optimize overall well-being in the workplace. Small everyday actions to general work patterns will be scrutinized so that together we can create the best possible workplace for you.

Why invest in occupational health and safety consulting?

Occupational health and safety consulting is not just an investment in the well-being of your team; it's an investment in the future of your business. A professional occupational health and safety advisor gives your company all the tools to ensure a good working environment, and we help you to:

  • Occupational health counseling can increase productivity

    Increase productivity
    A healthy and safe work environment reduces sick leave and increases employee satisfaction and motivation.

  • Make your workplace more attractive with the help of a health and safety consultant

    Make the workplace more attractive
    Talenter is looking for companies that prioritize the well-being and safety of their employees. With occupational health and safety advice, you can ensure that your company is an attractive choice.

  • Occupational health and safety advice can minimize risk

    Minimize risk
    Avoid potential injuries, illnesses and costly claims by ensuring your work environment meets the latest standards

  • occupational health and safety advisors for long-term sustainability

    Achieve long-term sustainability
    A good work environment contributes to a healthy culture and sustainable growth in your business.

Health Group offers occupational health counseling with a focus on well-being

What does a health and safety consultant offer?

An occupational health and safety advisor is your partner in creating and maintaining an ideal working environment. We provide advice and guidance to optimize the safety and health of your business, focusing on the physical, social and psychological conditions of your employees.

Wellbeing and productivity are inextricably linked, which is why our occupational health and safety consultants will always start with the individual company in order to create the best working environment. Our consultants work with:

  • Occupational health and safety consultancy based on analysis and assessment

    Analysis and assessment
    Understand exactly where your business stands with an in-depth analysis of your current work environment.

  • Get recommendations from our health and safety consultants

    Tailored solutions
    Get recommendations that match your company's specific needs and challenges.

  • Occupational health advisors offer courses and workshops

    Training and education
    Occupational Health & Safety Advisors offer courses and workshops to educate your team on best practices.

  • Get regular feedback on how your work environment is evolving

    Updates and monitoring
    Stay up to date with the latest laws and regulations and get regular feedback on developments in the work environment.

Action areas for a better working environment

We offer a range of services to ensure a good working environment for you and your employees. Our occupational health advisors focus on both mental and physical health to ensure your overall wellbeing is top notch.

We can help with statutory workplace assessments, health checks and health screening of employees, well-being surveys, pulse measurements and much more.

With over 20 years of experience in improving companies' physical and mental work environments, we know which areas of focus are best suited to each individual company.

Our consultancy services are wide-ranging. Whether you need a complete work environment assessment, employee training or advice on specific challenges, Health Group is your partner.

Invest in the future of your business

An optimal work environment is not a one-off effort, but an ongoing process. With a health and safety advisor by your side, you can ensure that the process is as efficient and smooth as possible.

Occupational health and safety consulting is a critical investment in your company's wellbeing, culture and productivity. A healthy and safe work environment means happy employees, efficient processes and a robust company culture that can handle challenges now and in the future.

With Health Group by your side, you are guaranteed top-quality occupational health and safety advice and together we will create a plan for your company's well-being and wellness.

Ergonomics is one of many focus areas we can advise on

Get professional occupational health advice with Health Group

Are you ready to take the next step and ensure your business reaps the benefits of a thriving work environment? Invest in occupational health and safety consulting and watch your business grow and thrive like never before.

Contact us today and make the work environment the strength of your business. Our health and safety advisors are ready to help you on your way to a healthy workplace.

FAQ about occupational health and safety consultancy

What is occupational health and safety consulting?

Occupational health and safety consulting is a professional service that helps companies improve and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. This includes assessing the existing work environment, making recommendations for improvements and training employees.

Why should I invest in occupational health and safety consultancy?

An investment in occupational health and safety consultancy can lead to reduced sick leave, increased productivity, reduced risk of accidents and an improved company culture. In addition, it can also protect your business from potential fines and compensation claims.

How can a health and safety advisor help my business?

An occupational health and safety advisor can assess your current work environment, identify areas that need improvement, recommend specific actions and help implement these changes.

Is health and safety consulting only for large companies?

No, businesses of all sizes can benefit from occupational health and safety consulting. Whether you're a small start-up or a large organization, it's important to have a safe and healthy work environment.

Advice on occupational health and safety

Our advice can be adapted to all industries and job functions.

Interested in learning more? Contact us for a no-obligation quote.

  • chat-100x100-cirkelchat-100x100-cirkel

    Nationwide service
    No matter where you are - we offer occupational health and safety advisors across the country.

  • hand-100x100-circle

    More than 20 years of experience
    Health Group has for more than 20 years actively contributed to improving the physical and psychological working environment in Danish workplaces.

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    Evidence-based healthcare solutions
    We like to measure the results of our efforts by setting common goals for our collaboration.